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redundancy function中文是什么意思

用"redundancy function"造句"redundancy function"怎么读"redundancy function" in a sentence


  • 多余功能,冗余功能
  • 冗余位


  • Furthermore , error resilience coding combined with wavelet image compression is also explored in the paper , which can improve error redundancy function and achieve higher bits transmission precision in scenario of low bit transmission
  • For some applications , a fast , industryspecific and user - friendly switch must simply have more to offer ? as in the case of medium and large fast - ethernet solutions or highly accessible networks with fast media redundancy function
    对于某些应用,满足快速、工业特征以及交换机操作简单等方面的要求是不够的? ?例如在一些中型和大型的以太网络解决方案中,或是要求极高可访问性的网络,快速的传输介质冗余功能是必需的。
  • The experiment result shows that the control method designed in the dissertation can ensure the steady suspension of the join - structure . when there is something wrong with one suspension point on a join - structure , the variation of suspension clearance of the other is only about 0 . 8mm . it manifests that this method can achieve the join - structure ’ s redundancy function
    本文最后在原理型搭接装置上进行了悬浮控制实验,实验结果表明:文中所设计的控制方法能够实现原理型搭接装置的稳定悬浮,而且搭接装置上的一个点出现故障时,另一个点的悬浮间隙最大增加量仅为0 . 8mm左右,由此说明该方法能够确保搭接结构冗余功能的实现。
用"redundancy function"造句  
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